Ports and economic zones serve as gateways to global trade.
With the increasing demand for efficient and effective supply chains and logistics, the need to integrate technology in developing and managing ports and economic zones is even more critical.
Understanding how to better develop and manage ports and economic zones through technology integration can provide business and government leaders with valuable insights into potential investment opportunities.
The Aerospace & Defence industry is a complex and highly regulated sector that demands precision and efficiency.
From designing, prototyping, and then manufacturing aircraft and weapon systems to ensuring that the right aggregates and spares are in the right place at the right time, it’s crucial to have a well-oiled supply chain and logistics operation.
Unlocking the full potential of the Aerospace & Defence industries requires innovative thinking, including in design, development, testing and certification, and a focus on supply chain and logistics.
Must partnerships last forever to be good
Ever wondered whether a business partnership or friendship must last forever to be good?
Good business partners and friends sometimes float in and out of our lives. Occasionally, we need to let even good things go. We should be open to good friendships throughout our lives.
Ever wondered what a significant benefit of learning to earn, invest and give away money is? When you learn to earn, invest, and give-away money, you know how to use your time well.
Change your perspective Midlife
Ever wondered what is a different perspective for the second half of your life? How is mid-life different? In the second half of our lives, we are more inner-directed than outer-directed in the first half of our lives. While the first half is about accumulating, the second half is about editing.
Have you ever wondered how one can change one’s perspective about life in the second half? Begin to look for how to be helpful to others. Ask yourself how the universe can use your talents. How can I be a conduit for the universe to bring good to others’ lives?
Subtract to sharpen
Have you ever wondered how often we improve them by subtracting them from items? Ideas to add or do new things and find new ways come to our minds quickly.
However, applying our minds to remove extraneous parts of an article, sculpture, or idea makes it sharper and better.
Values and Value Homonyms
Ever wondered what do Board of Directors watch over? The Board of Directors is a custodian of Values as well as Values. Homonyms.
Values dictate policies, rules, and regulations, which the Board upholds. The Value we deliver is the difference between what our customer is happy to pay minus what it costs us to create and deliver our proposition.
Is customer king?
Have you ever wondered why the market share of our businesses goes up while the market shrinks? The market is not a collection of turnovers. We need to keep looking at where will the demand come from? Whom are our competitors serving?
Have you ever wondered why most businesses speak about what they do and not whom they serve? In connection with our businesses, we must keep asking ourselves, Who pays us to do what?
Where does our revenue come from? Ever wondered, we all agree that the customer is the King, yet we don’t give them the Crown? A lot of the thinking in our business is from the supply side. Provide better quality, technology, lower costs, B2B or SaaS model. We need to think from the demand or the customer side. Whom do we serve?
Which model of learning?
Have you ever wondered which method of learning benefits you more: taking courses or reading books on the same topic? Instructors conducting courses usually include the basics and cover multiple points of view.
Whereas authors typically attempt to be original and protect their viewpoint. You need to decide based on your time available for research.
Success attracts critics
Ever wondered why and when do people start to criticize you? Or critique everything that you do? Failures have few critics.
When you become successful, people begin to have an opinion about you. Be thankful that you and your business have become somebody and something about whom people have an idea.
Open Door policy at work
Ever wondered what could be the downsides of an open door policy at work? We established open-door policies to promote collaboration among workgroups when management structures were hierarchical.
With flat org structures and easy access, workgroups and leaders now need the time and space to focus on a problem and avoid distraction. Workgroups also need to become more independent.
Why is retelling your Story important?
Ever wondered, Why is retelling your own story essential, and how can you build on it? Your story helps you build your brand. You can make it more significant by looking at it from more than your own perspective; your account becomes even more compelling by how you say it.
Apex Insights living many lives in a day
Ever wondered whether we may be stressed trying to live many different lives in a single day?
Think about it; we live the lives of parents, entrepreneurs or employees, leaders or managers, friends and colleagues, siblings, good neighbors, citizens, and others every day.
Sometimes, we need to take the time to resolve apparent conflicts between these roles.
Apex Group Success first or Happiness
Ever wondered what arrives first, success or happiness?
Happiness leads to success and not necessarily the other way around. A happy person has every possibility of being a successful person.
Because when you are happy, you attract the right happenstances from the universe. So enjoy the journey, and don’t let the sadness of missing arbitrary numbers or titles set by yourself come in the way.
Ever wondered: How can businesses better manage geopolitical risk post-pandemic?
My Sense is: Geopolitics overwhelms economics any day. Aligning your business strategy to the accelerated change in geopolitical reality is critical for growth. While there are no templates, several businesses take a holistic approach and engage the entire organization to manage geopolitical risks..
Ever wondered: Can AI help Boards perform even better?
My Sense is: AI has not yet evolved to become a Board Member yet. The Board needs to set realistic expectations and ensure that the Management doesn’t need to act in haste, before building resilience. AI could help Board members manage information overload, and be digitally savvy, transparent, and collaborative.
Extreme single-mindedness can limit creativity
Ever wondered whether extreme single-mindedness can limit your creativity and intelligence?
Your ability to acquire diverse knowledge and experience helps you bring fresh perspectives.
You do not need to have the same experience as everyone else, and the breadth of your knowledge and experience could be more valuable than depth.
Technology cant solve all world problems
Ever wondered about some of the problems that technology alone can not solve?
Four significant problems for today’s world are the pandemic, overpopulation, refugee problem, and climate change. There’s a human dimension to these problems that technology by itself cannot solve
Which is more important, your Product OR your Client?
Ever wondered: When forced to choose, which is more important, your Product OR your Client?
My Sense is: Your client. Always love your ideal client more than your perfect product or service. You can tweak, rebuild and modify your product.
Ever wondered: What’s the likely post-pandemic scenario for relocations, for work abroad?
My Sense is: Virtual mobility is rising. Many knowledge workers prefer working for a foreign employer remotely. On the other hand, there are benefits of on-site culture building and creative serendipity.
Extract strengths from your mind
Have you ever wondered how can interacting with a mentor help you transition from being an employee to an entrepreneur?
An experienced mentor will help you extract valuable strength from your mind and help you connect with possibilities.
Compete on Hunger, not just efforts
Ever wondered why the person making the most effort in their business does not always become successful?
Business is not a competition about efforts. It is more of a competition on hunger for success. So the person who wins is hungrier and willing to go beyond their comfort zones while putting in all-out efforts.
Can you Brain-Wash yourself to succeed?
Ever wondered whether you can Brainwash yourself to succeed?
Scientists say that, like the body, our brain has its cleansing mechanism and process. The cleansing mechanism of our brain is active when we sleep. To get a good night’s sleep is to brainwash ourselves every day. We find new creative solutions to our problems after a good night’s sleep.
Ever wondered how does it help to speak with a mentor? To Clarify the picture of your future in your mind; Even coaches need to speak to mentors to get better.
How can you find flow in group work
Ever wondered why we are never fully prepared for what happens?
George Bernard Shaw once wrote that “man progresses in all things by making a fool of himself “. So don’t fret about making a fool of yourself and trying new things for which you are unprepared or underprepared because life happens when you are waiting for something else.
Ever wondered how do people find the flow in group work? If you learn how to channel the universe’s energy through you, you will do beautiful things. Sometimes you need a group of like-minded people to create an energy funnel to channel this energy. And that’s where a mastermind group comes in.
How can You find purpose?
Have you ever wondered what would it be like always to be purposeful?
Our purpose is not a person, a place, or a thing that we have to find somehow. What if we considered being purposeful as an action that we can take? Then we can do anything the universe wants to be done through us purposefully.
Have you ever wondered how you can leverage the energy in the universe to move you toward success? To show the universe that it can work through you, ask yourself how I may be of service. What are my unique gifts to the world? How can I use these unique gifts to serve the people who can benefit from them?
Why your Mentor can hold you Accountable?
Ever wondered, What kind of support group do you need to help you succeed?
You can’t succeed all by yourself. You need encouragement, support, and accountability. Your family and friends can encourage and support you. Someone who is a stranger can perhaps hold you accountable.
You would not like to disappoint this person, because you have them in high esteem and possibly pay for the advice. Remember, all the encouragement and motivation will get tested at some point in time. Your mentor may become your friend over time, but the relationship needs to start as an arms-length business relationship.
Why do business leaders need to understand geopolitics and public policy?
Ever wondered, Why do business leaders need to understand geopolitics and public policy?
My Sense is: Our businesses operate in the context of international mobility, global trade, oil price, investment climate, etc. These, in turn, impact how our businesses transact with clients, users, suppliers, and employees. The study of geopolitics helps us better understand the Business Context, going beyond our transaction environment.
Ever wondered, How can a newly appointed Board member avoid feeling like an imposter?
My Sense is: Newly appointed Board Members need to be well-prepared for board meetings. Preparation helps overcome the feeling- of “am I in the right place?”, and contribute better.
Could there be a rare and unspoken ability to succeed?
Ever wondered: Could there be a rare and unspoken ability to succeed?
My Sense is: People come and go in any industry. The ability to understand momentum is a key item. The ability to observe and align with the change in Momentum in a team, in a community or in a country……. Ever notice, somebody does something courageous and the energy shifts ….the mindset changes…
Ever wondered: What kind of person would invest in your business or idea?
My Sense is: You need to connect with a believer. People who have a positive expectation about presently unknown, future outcomes

How do multiple perspectives help our imagination?
Ever wondered: How do multiple perspectives help our imagination?
My Sense is: A single perspective can limit imagination. Looking at issues from several angles provide us with a more accurate understanding, and helps us find practical solutions.
Ever wondered Do your Mentors need to be older or younger than you?
My Sense is: Mentoring and Reverse mentoring work well when they complement each other. While the younger mentor could benefit from the wisdom, experience, and network, the Modern Elder could benefit from new ways of thinking…
How can your business idea- startup make more money in a contested market?
Ever wondered: How can your business idea or startup make more money in a contested market?
My Sense is: Your core idea needs to be about adding value to clients, suppliers, employees, or investors. By delivering more value than your competition, you will make more money at the same time. You can also charge more. Towards this, work harder on yourself and your business to become more valuable.
Ever wondered: How do you become a thought leader in your area of interest?
My Sense is: You need to show up at the right places, add value, build a brand and give away your most valuable offerings. You do not need anyone’s certification to be a thought leader; no need to be the last word in anything.
When will your business problems be resolved?
Ever wondered: When will your business problems be resolved?
My Sense is: Never. The degree of your problems reflects the stage of your success. As you achieve success, you will have more significant issues. Billionaires have billion-dollar problems. Enjoy the ride.
Ever wondered: Is there a way to compress your time to success?
My Sense is: Keep learning from the experience of others, who have been through similar journeys. What took us decades to figure out, we share for absorption in weeks. Works faster than learning through trial and errors.
Why is it essential for leaders to revisit the purpose of our businesses?
Ever wondered: What are some of the barriers to improving #diversity and #inclusion in our workplaces?
My Sense is: We need to overcome a weak sense of belonging and difficulty navigating professional environments as critical barriers to improving diversity and inclusion of less represented groups.
Ever wondered: Why is it essential for leaders to revisit the #purpose of our businesses during the pandemic?
My Sense is: Aligning the organization’s purpose, with the sense of individual purpose of teams and employees, is a crucial task of business #leaders. It is easy to misread the lack of discussion on purpose as an agreement. Bridging the gaps takes time, commitment, and listening. The pandemic has provided us with an opportunity to articulate the core purpose of our organizations.
For more such insights…
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Success is paradoxically about growing from failure to failure without losing courage. So it is good to fail early and often fail to succeed sooner.
This book outlines how I have been able to transition across sectors and domains and deliver, challenges notwithstanding.
This is also a collection of thoughts on what I learned, what worked, and what did not. Where I succeeded and importantly, where I failed along the way. It is about things that I learned through my reflections and insights in hindsight.
Remember, things that you believe as Facts may be Perspectives for someone else. Thinking in Counterpoints is simply the process of looking at an issue from a different stance or point to arrive at a seemingly more balanced conclusion.